Your KYA Red-Tag Commonwealth Candidates at a Glance

Kentucky YMCA Media Corps
4 min readNov 20, 2017


Drew Beecham — Corbin High School

Beecham believes that Kentucky is currently divided at every level and that bipartisan cooperation is necessary to improve our state. Beecham also strongly believes in “authentic equality,” which entails the total abolishment of racism, sexism, and prejudice. As part of this, he also supports diversity in schools and minority representation. Beecham is also supportive of investment in Kentucky schools. His slogan: “Vote for Drew; he’ll know what to do.”

Mo Williams — Glasgow High School

Williams believes that there are thousands of people living without justice and liberty and not receiving the benefits of the American system. Because of this, she places strong emphasis and providing true “liberty and justice for all.” Williams is also concerned with the availability of alcohol, especially in low-income neighborhoods, believing that true liberty cannot be achieved with the temptation of alcohol looming over people. She also strongly believes that all people should participate in their government.

Isaac Jarboe — Christian Academy Lou.

Jarboe is concerned with increasing the number of registered voters, believing that everyone’s voice should be heard. Beyond improving voter registry, he also hopes to improve literacy rates through summer reading programs and other such methods. Furthermore, Jarboe strongly supports aiding impoverished children, and that there should be a sliding scale of college tuition based on community service with these underprivileged youths. Jarboe also promises to never let an opinion or idea be drowned out by others and believes that everyone should be heard.

Alan Slaughter — Franklin County High School

In opening his speech, Slaughter proclaimed himself to be outgoing and a lover of beef products, classic rock, and Kentucky itself. Slaughter wants Kentucky to be an economic hub in the U.S. that provides opportunity to high-skilled jobs for workers. He also believes that food waste is a big issue in Kentucky and wants to issue tax credits to businesses who donate extra food to those in need. Furthermore, Slaughter also wants to ensure high academic standards in our schools. His slogan: “Vote for Al; he’s your pal.”

Danielle Underwood — West Carter County High School

Underwood staunchly believes that teenagers must make a difference at all levels. She also believes that businesses should have incentives for donating food to those in need. Underwood went on to say that funding in schools should be distributed more evenly to ensure that small schools receive the same support that large schools receive. She also believes that Kentuckians should be educated on renewable energy options to alleviate the coal crisis. Her slogan: “Do what’s good and vote Underwood.”

Gabe Markwell — Rowan County Senior High School

Markwell hopes to attract and retain the best teachers for Kentucky schools and that our teachers deserve to be compensated as the best of the best. Furthermore, he believes that there should be job creation zones for those who have been affected by the decline of the coal industry. Markwell also believes in performance-based funding, which provides direct funding to quality job outcomes. He is also of the belief that society should be very focused on livability. His slogan: “Vote well; vote Markwell.”

Koby Batts — Hopkinsville High School

Batts believes that a CPR-certified adult should be present at all school sports games and practices. He also supports a local-opportunity sales tax to help improve funding for and the condition of schools over 50 years old. Furthermore, Batts noted the success of the Challenge House’s efforts to support for underprivileged youth in his city, and because of this, he wants to establish Challenge House outposts all throughout the state of Kentucky. His slogan: “I’m Koby Batts, and I’m stepping up to bat for you.”

Molly Bodkin — Bardstown High School

Bodkin hopes to implement a book drive in all local elementary school to decrease children’s reliance on technology, increase their vocabulary, and improve literacy as a whole. Bodkin also stated her belief that YMCA facilities are beneficial, and she hopes to establish them all throughout the state of Kentucky. Bodkin also stated that she wants to offer ACT strategy courses in schools to improve the college acceptance rate in Kentucky. Her slogan: “Building a better tomorrow, one service project at a time.”

Emma Bratcher — Daviess County High School

Bratcher stated that she hopes to create positive change in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. She noted that 14 percent of Americans function at the lowest literacy rate, and because of this, she hopes to hold a high standard of education in our state. Bratcher also believes that Kentucky’s waterways are polluted and no longer safe for us, and she wants to improve their condition. Furthermore, Bratcher strongly supports embracing the path for diversity throughout Kentucky.

Walker Goshorn — Greenwood High School

Noting their successes in his own city, Goshorn hopes to establish Buddy Houses in towns throughout Kentucky to help children with special needs. Goshorn also wants to mandate real-word education in schools, with content such as money skills and common house tasks, to help students enter life more prepared. Goshorn also believes that driving under the influence should be ended, and that we should prepare for the future of Kentucky. His slogan: “Come and take a walk with Walker.”

Sarah Ball — Sacred Heart Academy

A main concern that Ball voiced is the prevalence of distracted driving in Kentucky, stating that more than 80 percent of crashes involve some sort of distraction. Because of this, she hopes to promote safe driving in Kentucky. Ball also hopes to bring an end to the heroin epidemic through rehab programs. Furthermore, Ball wishes to implement foster care reforms through methods such as increasing the training quality of caretakers. Ball stated that she hopes to bring all of us together. Her slogan: “Together we create change.”



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