What’s your “Y” Memory?
KYA is a time for hard work, but more so a time for even harder play. From advisors and staff members to delegates and officers, everyone has a moment that they remember fondly. Here is what some of this year’s participants had to say about their experiences at KYA:
“One of my favorite moments at KYA was when I watched a delegation’s bill get defeated by a governor, but they fought back and ended up getting the bill passed. It was really awesome to see the satisfaction on their faces from fighting for what they believe in and being successful in it.”
– Anna Bosley, Villa Madonna Academy
“It was a cold, but sunny day in Louisville. As I took my final first step into the Crowne Plaza, I rushed to my bag only to realize I had forgotten the object most near and dear to my heart: my pants. I was heartbroken, truly a lost man. How could I bear the shame of announcing I had left my pantaloons at my humble abode? I swallowed what was left of my pride and took a deep breath. ‘Mrs. Norris,’ I proclaimed, ‘it would appear I have forgotten the bottom to my top.’ Fortunately, she was prepared for the embarrassment that is myself and accounted for the loss of my pants. The day was saved, and my heart was restored.”
- Michael LaRoche, Scott High School
“My favorite part of KYA is friends I’ve made over the years. Even though we’re miles apart we still hang out. It’s good to met people with different backgrounds and experiences in life.”
- Sarah Singleton, Boyle County High School
“Finding our way around the crazy hotel, for one, was a win. Being in the media corps was also fun because I was able to get more involved and be exposed to more bills and debates.”
- Elizabeth Stapleton, Walton Verona High School