Virtuality: Virtual KYA through the Lens of the Candidates
By Lacee Streeter
This year for KYA participants has been different from the past. 2020 in general has been different. Looking into the minds of the candidates and what they feel under the circumstances of this year, how do they feel? We wanted to ask the candidates how virtual KYA went for them in order to get a better look at the varying emotions.
Now let’s take a sneak peek into Oni Terrado’s mind, ¨First I want to say I appreciate everything media is doing! Virtual KYA is absolutely amazing! Everyone has been so resilient. People are so nice. Even though KYA is virtual everyone is still vocal and active. We are continuing to make great memories!
Our next candidate is Jalen Wellman, ¨At first I was kind of disappointed that KYA was online. But then I started to see how much fun everyone was having at their online KYA and I started to get so excited, but I was also nervous to see how this was going to go especially with running as a candidate. So far I’ve had such a great time with getting to know my fellow candidates and delegates on Zoom and on Instagram. It has definitely been a different experience but has been one that I have enjoyed so much. It has gone so smoothly and I’ve still gotten to make memories and meet so many people.¨
Now here is Callie Wagers, ¨Hello!! Virtual KYA has been amazing for me! I am someone who experiences horrible anxiety and I believe that being able to present all of my information over zoom has been so much fun. I can research bills to debate more in-depth, and I can feel much more prepared in debate. I do feel though, that as a candidate I’m worried about getting my name and my platforms out there. I truly want to make a difference for KYA, and I’m worried that my information will not reach everyone the way I would like it to. Regardless, I’m happy about how this KYA is going. I’m so glad I’ve been able to participate.¨
These are some amazing things from the candidates, now for our last two, starting with Kate Wetherton! ¨I’ve definitely been stressed. Running for PO is hard, and it’s even harder when you never know if you’ll have Wi-Fi issues or technical difficulties. It’s also disappointing that I don’t get the opportunity to connect with people face-to-face. I would’ve liked to meet new people and campaign in person instead of over social media. But my mood has lightened up over the day. It’s not as bad as I thought it would be! I’ve enjoyed listening to everyone debate and I’m excited to see what happens tomorrow!!¨
Now for words from the last candidate, Cross Dutton, ¨Virtual KYA is definitely something new, but we found a way to make it work and maximize it to the best of our ability. It makes me feel proud of myself and everyone in the conference that we all together, thrown in the circumstances we currently found a way to make KYA great. It also makes me feel confident, seeing and hearing all the delegates asking questions and giving Pro/con speeches. The energy and emotion they bring over the computer screen is unmatched. No matter if KYA is online or at the Crowne Plaza KYA will be great no matter where it is because of the energy and the passion that is brought to this amazing conference.¨
From the words of these candidates, I hope you got the inside scoop of the virtuality of KYA this year. And lastly for a quote from this year’s Governor, Jacob Grant, ¨Be confident in yourself.¨ Thank you to all the candidates that participated and ran, but now it’s time to say goodbye HS KYA