So Many Resolutions- What Issues Does KUNA Care About Most?

Kentucky YMCA Media Corps
2 min readMar 15, 2021


Sammy Knapp

KUNA is a time for growth and learning. Resolution Sponsors work diligently to educate themselves and others about a variety of issues. We hear about issues that we may never have heard about otherwise and ones that are always on our minds. All of these issues are worthy of our attention, but what issues do we care about most?

An analysis of this year’s resolutions divided the 28 proposals into eight commonly seen categories; The Environment (Including Drinking Water), Resolving Conflicts, Human Rights (Including Social Justice), Technological Advancement, COVID and Public Health, Education, International Affairs, and Other. Resolutions were placed based on their main focus. They could be placed in multiple categories but no resolution was placed in more than two categories.

The results? This year’s KUNA is devoted to political issues with 32.1% of all resolutions addressing International Affairs. Close behind in second place is the Environment. 1 in 4 resolutions addresses global warming, pollution, drinking water, or deforestation.

On the other end of the spectrum, no resolutions tackled the advancement of technology this year. In past years bills in this area have included developing space exploration and research into a variety of areas.

Some resolutions were difficult to place into a category but only one was deemed distinct enough from all predetermined categories to warrant placement in the Other category. This was Resolution #26 from Vatican City which dealt with stabilizing the Global economy and the spread of Catholicism.

The full results are listed below

  1. International Affairs (32.1%)
  2. The Environment (25%)
  3. Covid-19 and Public Health/ Human Rights (21.4% each)
  4. Education (14.3%)
  5. Resolving Conflict (10.7%)
  6. Other (3.6%)
  7. Technology (0%)

From issues big to small KUNA-2 has shown that it is not going to shy away from the tough issues. With sponsors dedicated to representing their countries accurately, delegates are transforming from eager learners to open-minded global citizens.



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