Animal Abuse Epidemic
“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” -Josh Billings
A quote that resonates in the heart of every person who has ever had the pleasure of owning an animal- a quote that sharply juxtaposes the reality of many puppy mill and animal clinic owners in the state of Kentucky.
Commonwealth Bill 22 proposes a way to fix and stop the unnecessary abuse of animals within puppy mills, facilities that place profit of breeding over quality of breeding, with stricter laws presiding over the facilities during breeding. Commonwealth Bill 33 proposes a solution to the same problem, with a similar resolution: implementing regulations on animal breeding facilities through 6 Standards of Care, including cage space, exercise, vet care, humane euthanasia, inspections, and limits on number of animals that can be held.
The combination of the aforementioned bills with stricter laws on animal owners and stricter punishments on animal abusers, as proposed by Bluegrass Bills 16 and 33 and Commonwealth Bill 44, will not only improve the lives of Kentucky’s animals- but improve the Commonwealth of Kentucky’s justice system.